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Asl Lanusei Prenotazioni

Telephone and Online Booking for Healthcare Services in Lanusei

Regional Call Center and Email

For regional information and bookings: - **Call Center:**

  • Free of charge for landlines: **1533**
  • Mobile: **070 474747**

- **Email for bookings:** Fill out the form [here](

Local Contact Information for Lanusei

Ospedale Nostra Signora della Mercede

**Address:** via Dottor Giuseppe Pilia 1, ground floor
**Phone:** To be announced.

Ambulatorio di Igiene e Sanità Pubblica di Lanusei

**Address:** via Trento
**Phone:** To be announced.

ASSL Lanusei CUP

**Address:** To be announced.
**Phone:** 0782 490315

**Hours:** Monday through Friday, 9am to 1pm.

**Booking:** Appointments can be made online through the [regional portal]( or by phone.
